Tuesday, June 17, 2008

blink blink blink

The baby is asleep, the dog is in bed, the kids are gone for the month and the wife is working out at the gym...and I am sitting here in bed with the laptop. No tv, no music, no lights just the blink blink blink of the curser. I have been away from blogland too long...I am cursing the curser for blinking, for not typing my thoughts as I think them. I am cursing my mind for not thinking thoughts. I have been in bed with a cold for a week. A horrible, mean cold that refused to leave. Now I sit, with undone tasks waiting for me, many of the tasks not even started. blink blink blink. Toys for the baby that need to be sanded...paintings that need to be painted...stories that need to be written...pictures that need to be taken, phone calls that need to be made...blink blink blink...

I am blaming this lack of posting post on being sick...Not much goes on during a week of no energy, of exploding head, of overwhelming congestion... other than the occasional "I think I'm dying" I have had no thoughts, no actions, no situations...no blog worthy stories...

tomorrow, dear blog - I will be better...tonight, blink, blink, blink


K said...

yea!!! your back.... blink blink

Anonymous said...

I think that was a great post, actually. You captured your feelings so well. I hope you are feeling better soon...

Anonymous said...

glad you're feeling better...