Pi: I dont feel well
Me: That sucks
Pi: I still dont feel well
Amy: Lets go to the Doctor
Doctor: Its just allergies, your fine
Me: Cool
News: Theres a hurricane coming, run, hide, panic
Me: that sucks, I think my allergies are acting up
Me: I dont feel well
Amy: Sorry
News: Hurricane is going to Corpus, dont panic
Me: I really dont feel well
Amy: damn, the baby has 102 fever
Me: but I really really dont feel well
Amy: Damn, Damn
News: Hurricane is going to Mexico
Me: I cant lift my head, I dont feel well
Amy: The baby is sick
Me: Lets go buy our new Mac Book Pro
Amy: You are sick, the baby is sick, I dont feel well
Me: If we leave now, we can be back in time for the football games
Amy: damn
News: Hurricane is going to Corpus
Me: My new Mac Book Pro rocks, I think I have Bronchitus or Pnuemonia
Amy: I made you a Doctor appointment
Doctor: You have bronchitus on the verge of pnuemonia - take these meds
Me: that sucks
Pi: I feel great
Baby: I feel better
Amy: I dont feel so great
News: Hurricane is coming somewhere to the Gulf Coast
Me: cant work, cant clean, cant cook, cant take care of re-sick baby or sick wife, must rest
Amy: damn, that sucks
News: Large hurricane is going to Matagorda Bay
Mom: I am under evacuation
Me: whatever, I'm sick, come to my house
Me: I cant work another minute, too sick, coming home, not going to help with anything
Amy: You suck, I dont feel well
News: Hurricane may go to houston
Mom: I am still under evacuation
Me: Come to my house, Its been here 100 years, fyi I cant breath
Amy: I dont have time for a hurricane, damn
Me: I feel a little better
Amy: I am taking the baby to her 1 year checkup
Doctor: She has allergies, she is not sick...oh, and she is tall
Boss: Hurricane is coming, big, leave now and dont come back until monday
Me: score
Amy: score, you can run pre-hurricane errands with me
Mom: I am here, the hurricanes coming
Kids: We dont have school tomorrow!!!
Me: Grocery store sucks
Amy: gas station sucks
Me: Pet store sucks
Amy: Emergency preparedness sucks
Me: Coffee shop not so sucky
Me: More emergency preparedness is sucky sucky
Amy: worst case scenario planning sucks
Me: Must wake up early, much to do
Amy: Must stay up late, test due
News: Hurricane may go over your house, but may not be as bad as previously stated, but panic anyway
Baby: sleeping
Pi: sleeping
BT: sleeping
Mom: sleeping
Moms dogs: sleeping
Our dog: sleeping
Me: this sucks
Amy: damn damn damn
Is it good or bad that our life can be summed up so easily? Write more.
I'm exhausted from reading it so I know you all must be from living it.
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